Bordner Aerials
9072 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420

You can call Bordner Aerials locally at 952.881.1546 or 800.426.1546.

Bordner Aerials is in the Central Time zone.

Bordner Aerials Newsletter

Sign up for the Bordner Aerials newsletter. Once a month, we send out a short newsletter that shows how we solved a problem for a client using aerial photography, plus "dreams from the air" - a picture we'd all love to see in our home.

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PAPA International

PAPA International, The Professional Aerial Photographers' Association, is a professional trade organization, whose members are aerial photographers throughout the world.

2010 Lifetime Achievement Award
The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the most prestigious honors that can be bestowed on a member of PAPA. It is not bestowed lightly, and is not an annual award, but rather a special opportunity to honor an exceptional individual. The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to the PAPA member who, in the judgment of the PAPA Executive Board, contributed a lifetime of work in Aerial Photography.