The Aerial Photograph Tells the Story

Why use a thousand words when aerial photographs tell it all?

Aerial photography shows how the attributes and characteristics in an area and their relation to one another — your location — affect the value or feasibility of a property.

Nothing shows it better than aerial photography

But what does location really mean? 123 Third St. or “the corner of 4th and Main”? When we say “location” in real estate we mean not only the street address, but how the property relates to the surrounding area. Is it located on or near freeway or major highway access? Is it located in a densely populated area? Is it located near similar properties or businesses?

Depending upon the property use we can look at your location relative to:

  • Major highways or freeways
  • Population Density – single family houses, apartments
  • Adjacent and nearby properties or businesses
  • Office or industrial employment concentrations
  • Immediate roadway access, left turn possibilities, highway dividers, etc.
  • Area highway access – freeways, interchanges and major highways
  • Barriers to population movement – rivers and lakes, bridges, mountains and hills
  • Proximity of competitive businesses

The Aerial Photograph is The Working Tool to Solve Your Communications Problem

Nothing competes with the compelling visual explanation that aerial photographs provide to describe your location. With aerial photographs, you can show government agencies what they need for permits. You can show your customers the features and benefits of your site. You can show your construction partners how they should access and work on your site. You can show your investors the progress being made on the site.

Yes, aerial photographs really are worth a thousand words. And Bordner Aerials will help you find the exact aerial photographs to help your business.

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PAPA International

PAPA International, The Professional Aerial Photographers' Association, is a professional trade organization, whose members are aerial photographers throughout the world.

2010 Lifetime Achievement Award
The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the most prestigious honors that can be bestowed on a member of PAPA. It is not bestowed lightly, and is not an annual award, but rather a special opportunity to honor an exceptional individual. The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to the PAPA member who, in the judgment of the PAPA Executive Board, contributed a lifetime of work in Aerial Photography.