Bordner Aerial provides the simplest to most sophisticated aerial services for clients. Each client’s needs are evaluated and a plan is developed and agreed to for the photography. While each project is unique, most include some of the following services:

Oblique or Vertical Aerial Photography

Both oblique and vertical photography have specific uses, are best used depending upon the needs of a situation and, in fact, impart different information about an area.

The vertical photo, which is straight down like a map, is best used in cases where it may be necessary to scale off distances or to see the exact distance one element is from another. In fact the vertical photo IS a map and is the basis from which maps are drawn and it’s uses are consequently those of a map.

The oblique photo however gives a view of the world closer to what we see, and in fact IS the view we see when looking at the world from any elevated perspective whether rooftop, mountain top, or airplane. This gives the angled view certain advantages.

Since the vertical photo shows only roofs of buildings it lacks certain information that comes only from the oblique photo which, because of the angled view, shows us more of the quality characteristics of an area and allows us to differentiate building heights and types, see changes in terrain, identify types of trees or foliage, and get a general appreciation for the area by allowing us to relate these data to the ground based data already resident in our memories. It is more of a human perspective.

The power of aerial photography is that it allows you to choose the way you display your information in a way that is both interesting to the reader as well as imparting information in a timely manner.

Graphic Illustration

This is the “Value Added” of aerial photography. Naming of streets, highways, and major landmarks, outlining site boundaries, highlighting important data such as location of signaled intersections, median crossings, traffic volume or any information of significance to your project creates an aerial photo that becomes a working tool for your use in the efficient communication of information.

Digital Files and Prints

With the high resolution files as output from our state-of-the-art digital cameras we provide both digital files sized to your needs or custom prints. Prints can be produced at page size for a report or enlarged to any size up to 4×5 feet. Enlargements can then be mounted or framed to your specifications.

Bordner Aerials Newsletter

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Member PAPA International
PAPA International

PAPA International, The Professional Aerial Photographers' Association, is a professional trade organization, whose members are aerial photographers throughout the world.

2010 Lifetime Achievement Award
The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the most prestigious honors that can be bestowed on a member of PAPA. It is not bestowed lightly, and is not an annual award, but rather a special opportunity to honor an exceptional individual. The PAPA Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to the PAPA member who, in the judgment of the PAPA Executive Board, contributed a lifetime of work in Aerial Photography.